Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trying to Untangle the Tubes

Hello Internet!

or as some of us like to call it, the tubes.

This is, of course, my very first posting here and I would like to start with a statement of intent. This, is my very own tech-blog. This will be where I talk about technical matters of grave importance to me, and give my opinions on a vast array of topics, from network security, system security, server setup, network topology, microtechnology, robotics, cell phones, operating systems, applications, and hardware... there's probably more, but you get the idea.

Currently, I'm working on embedding all of my current endeavours into a single unified webspace, and, if you're reading this significantly after I've posted it, it may already exist; you may have even been referred here from it. In either case, I welcome you to my thoughts.

Personally, I am interested in a wide array of technologies, including microsystems and robotic, though my experience in that field is limited. I have also taken some time to get to know various types of cellphones, and their associated embedded applications, and have recently begun branching out into smartphone technologies. I've been slowly reading up on the CCNA tests, and I've been making my way though self-study books. I've also been working through A+ certification books, mostly for fun, since I don't seem to be learning anything from them. With over 10 years in computers, this field is very natural to me, and never ceases to engage my mind with interest, intrigue, and curiosity.

Currently, I run several systems, including a few laptops for personal use, I sacrificed my desktop to use as a server, and maintain several servers, some for use by 3rd party organizations, some belonging to party organizations. I also have a number of electronics, routers, switches, as well as the usual banter for someone in the field (storage, flash drives, external drives, monitors, keyboards... even a PDA (Dell Axim x51v)).

All this aside, I hope you understand and learn something new.

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